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Leading positive change for Australia's aged and community care sector

ACCPA actively represents the interests of Members through sector reform and transformation. We acknowledge the need to empower consumers and look to partner with industry leaders to improve services, industry transparency and the wellbeing of older Australians.

We provide authoritative guidance, communication and advocacy to inform and influence the direction and detail of aged care reform by:

  • Providing sophisticated and comprehensive advice and guidance to Members.
  • Leading innovative sector research and policy development.
  • Partnering with industry experts to produce high quality, evidence-based research and analysis.
  • Collaborating with industry leaders to develop comprehensive and innovative policy to promote positive industry reform.
  • Undertaking future-orientated research and thought leadership.

Valuing and representing Member voices

ACCPA unifies providers to speak with a single authoritative and trusted voice. Empowering Members and representing their concerns to all levels of government, community and the media is our priority. 

The diversity of provider knowledge, interests and operations is a valuable resource to empower industry research, advocacy and services.

Our organisational structure is built to reflect the diversity of the industry and value each individual Member’s voice. We strive to: .

  • Represent all providers, regardless of service type, size, organisational structure and location in a trusted, authoritative and comprehensive manner.
  • Facilitate collaboration and coordination among providers, industry bodies and industry experts.
  • Invest in the development of alternative proposals to achieve consumer, provider and government outcomes.
  • Provide well-founded and authoritative views on Commonwealth Government proposals.
  • Advocate to State and Territory governments on specific and nuanced regional issues.
  • Seek regular input and feedback on sector changes, policy and information.
  • Provide forums for Members to test and contribute to proposals and advocacy positions.
  • Equally value all our Members on a ‘one member, one vote’ basis.