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Consultation on Revised Aged Care Quality Standards


The Department of Health and Aged Care has released a consultation paper on the proposed new Aged Care Quality Standards. The detail of the proposed standards can be found here; a summary document has also been released.

Consultation closes on Friday 25 November 2022.

Seven standards are being proposed, with each standard containing an expectation statement, and a number of outcome statements (which is what a provider would be assessed against). Each outcome statement includes examples of possible actions that providers could undertake.

The introduction of a new set of standards is significant and we are keen to engage with members to get your views on what is being proposed. Your input will help inform our submission to the Department.

To this end we have put in place a series of consultation meetings for members to participate in, and contribute to, discussions on the proposed standards.

Individual standards will be discussed at each of the meetings, with the final two meetings used to discuss and review the submission wording.

Members are encouraged to register for either all of the meetings or only for those you wish to contribute to.

The discussions at the meetings will cater for BOTH home care and residential service providers.

It is important you use the opportunity to have your say.

Who should attend: 

For ACCPA Members – Quality Managers, General Managers, Senior Nurses, CEO’s


The Department of Health and Aged Care has commences consulting on the revised Quality Standards. The Introduction of a new set of standards is significant and it is vital we provide an informed response. Join us in a series of member engagement meetings where we will be reviewing the proposed standards. Your input will help inform our submission. Each meeting will focus on individual standards, please join us for all or some of the meetings.

Session Dates: 

1. Discussion Standard 1 The Person; and Standard 2 The Organisation Standard 1 
– 26th October 2022 – 11:30AM to 12:30PM (AEDT)

2. Discussion Standard 3 The Care and Services; and Standard 5 Clinical Care 
– 2nd November 2022 -11:30 to 12:30PM (AEDT)

3. Discussion Standard 4 The Environment; Standard 6 Food and Nutrition; and Standard 7 the Residential Community 
9th November 2022 -11:30 to 1:00PM (AEDT)

5. Discussion of Draft ACCPA Submission 
– 23rd November 2022 -11:30 to 12:30PM (AEDT)


Derek Dittrich, Interim Principal Policy Manager, ACCPA

Date:  Multiple Dates
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm AEDT
Cost: Free (ACCPA Members)