
Submission to the Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024, Western Australia

Thank you for the invitation to make a submission to the Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2024 Consultation Draft (the Bill), which will introduce key changes


ACCPA Submission on the Strengthened Standards Guidance

ACCPA welcomes the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s (the Commission’s) extensive engagement with the aged care sector on the strengthened standards to date, including


ACCPA Submission to IHACPA Draft Work Program and Corporate Plan 2024-25

ACCPA welcomes the role of IHACPA in relation to aged care costing and pricing matters, following reforms in response to the Royal Commission into Aged


ACCPA Feedback on the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Measure Implementation Plan

The Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed implementation plan for the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP)


ACCPA Pre-Budget 2024-25 Submission – January 2024

Age of Change: ageing and aged care in Australia A blueprint to herald the next generation of ageing and aged care in Australia. The 2024


Phase 1 Consultation: Scope of Practice Review – Issues Paper 1

ACCPA welcomes the opportunity to comment on Issues Paper 1 for Unleashing the potential of our health workforce – Scope of Practice Review. The Aged and


ACCPA Submission on the Exposure Draft of the new Aged Care Act February 2024

ACCPA welcomes the opportunity to provide input regarding the exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act – the first recommendation of the Royal Commission


Australia’s 2024-25 permanent Migration Program consultation

ACCPA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to inform the Australia’s 2024–25 permanent Migration Program. It also includes reference to key opportunities from the Migration


ACCPA feedback of the General Practice incentives review

ACCPA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to inform the review of the general practice incentives.
